Thursday 31 December 2015

Accessing the Akasha or the Akashic records.

First of all let me tell you, we are the most modern organic super machines. We are the divine technology. You might have heard this statement many a times before. But I mean it in totality. We are the most advanced technology which has a consciousness of our own. This is what which differentiates us from other species. If we want to get an idea about ourselves in terms of computers then we can be those kinds of computer which can think of its own. They should not be depended upon others for taking smallest decisions like, booting up. We humans do not need any other toys or humans to make decisions for us; please don’t mix our civilization with human organic machinery. Our consciousness knows everything. We rely on it. It behaves as a guide post. And it is only because of consciousness we can interact with our cosmos. It is the most important mechanical equipment we possess which is free of cost. In fact, the entire human race and few animals possess it, like us.
So, lets read this mini story.

Once, there was a boy who has never accepted 

anybody’s dominance. He was well built, but lacked 

confidence. He was a dependent child. He wanted to do 

his own business but never ever he will become an 

employee in somebody’s company. He was rigid and 

stubborn. He did not belong to a rich family. 

Now, I want all of you to comprehend and get a short 

idea about the boy. You can use your brain…..Ok!

Let me tell you what you or your brain is doing, in lay man’s way. It is making a picture of the boy from this description. After which, it is trying to get new instances of pictures stored in your brain as past experiences and then it matches those old pictures with the current picture. The most similar picture becomes your view about the boy. It can be anything, for example, the boy is emotional, he might be a hard worker, and he might be a case of Gynophobia etcetera. It is so, because it is coming from the past experiences of people who generally don’t share a similar piece of environment. But one thing is sure tight that you all have made some strong views about that boy from the passage. And you all have already considered your view as the correct one. Has anyone from you considered the boy as boy from his decision?? Whatever be the case let it be. It doesn’t matter. We are talking about the engine not the fuel. We have to talk about human organic machinery not the food or water. What if you don’t have any past experience to match with the boy? The brain is being watched by consciousness and in that case it will switch from expressiveness to input and try to save it as experience for future purposes. It is all linked and new references are made on the fly.

The second story is more interesting.

There was a girl whose parents have decided to marry 

her as she had secured her first salary. They wanted to 

look for a boy who will allow their child to work after 

the marriage. They sent the picture of their girl to five 

families and received their pictures as well. Coincidentally, those five families were in contact with each other. They  exchanged the picture of the girl and each of them said they have already seen that girl. She was the same girl from their picture. Her eyes were same. Her nose was same, even her lips were same. She was in fact the same girl.

But how?The families were different. They were different people who have seen the girl. It was not one person who saw that girl. They were many, but still they saw the same girl, as she was. So, where is the perception and past experience gone? Why couldn’t they see a different girl physically? Isn’t it a miracle?Doesn’t it tell that there is one supreme omnipresent vibe which lets us [the nature] to look or behave in a certain universal way?If it is not then why the girl who is derived from nature looks same to each and every different people of the families.As also the sentences and meaning of the first short story will look same to all who knows the standards of English language.
In fact, she [the single girl] would look same to the entire human race, which she shouldn’t, if we the humans are looking at her, we all have different experiences, right?
There are standards for human beings as well. It will be called in this case The Morphogenetic Consciousness Field. It is kind of instructions which are already decided and filed. There is almost a void known as Akasha in Vedas or Collective Unconscious by Carl Jung where we humans have a network of networks. We are connected to it sometimes consciously, very rarely, but unconsciously, always. It is the ZERO POINT ENERGY or ETHER. Each and every event of any human living or dead on this world has his or her entry in it. It’s like that tree in the movie, Avatar. It has been inspired from Vedas itself. The term Avatar is also from the same source, the Vedas. The tree behaved as a bridge between all the living and dead people of that clan. They used to connect it with their hairs but in reality it requires certain kind of meditation which will allow you to tune into the frequency of Akasha. You can then read about your life from the past till your future. And if you are allowed you can even access the records of other people also. Have you ever heard of Naadi Leaves of Tamil Nadu. They can tell your past as well as the future just by analysing your thumb print. They can even tell your name from it. It is the most visible proof of Akasha or Akashic Records. You can also access it.
So, from where did these families could make that girl to look same to each member? Don’t you think their brains were getting instructions from some higher dimensions? It is where these standards for human unique shapes have been kept. The DNA also is a receiver of information from Akasha as the Vedas explain. DNA receives its code from the Akasha itself and here, we can conclude why they didn’t see a different face of the same girl. We don’t manufacture the shapes, it is something which comes from higher dimensions or Ether or Akasha. And we are connected to it already; it gets proved from this very simple example of same face. If we are not connected to it then we might see some different face or no face at all. It also proves that we share same form of awareness. Our consciousness is same and divided among human race.

We are a complex form of machinery, thousand times more 

complex than the most complex machinery of the present 


Thanks and keep hardworking !!

Ashumeet Mitter

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