Saturday 26 December 2015

A Beautiful lesson from Vedic Sanskrit Mantras

A Beautiful lesson from Vedic Sanskrit Mantras

बलवानप्यशक्तोऽसौ धनवानपि निर्धनः |
श्रुतवानपि मूर्खोऽसौ यो धर्मविमुखो जनः ||
("Balwaanpyashakto sau dhananpati nirdhan")
("Shrutwanpati murkho sau dharmvimukho janaha")
"These lines carry a beautiful message. It says a person who is not incumbent on his spiritual self then his strength is of no use to him. He will remain poor in his richness.He will be stupidly intelligent. He will not be able taste intelligence though having it in abundance ."
Spirituality is a science of its own, which can be realized through human thoughts, in such a way that which helps individual to reach a state like EXISTENCE itself, consciously .Spirituality is a medium incorporated and machined inside the human self. It is achievable. 

Spiritualism is derived from existence itself. It is  like the Sun. We can talk about it. We can also question its existence. Some would believe that the Sun exists, they have already seen it but others would not, they might not have seen the Sun. But the reality is the Sun exists. Similarly whether we believe or not spirituality exists and influences our thoughts. Its existence  is as true as nature itself. Spiritualism has to be incorporated in our thoughts. Its the only place where it can exist in its most sacred form. Its you who is the temple. The 'Shloka' or Mantra is telling to embrace spiritualism, otherwise our most valuable possessions could never be used for what they have been designed for in a righteous manner.The inner world of humans has to be drawn on the lines of spirituality. There is so much negativity around us .Its only by being spiritual we can save us from the swirling negativity. Negative thoughts have tried to kill the world two times in the past.Its still not down . We are living in an illusion of peacefulness. We are unsafe.We have developed so powerful weapons like nuclear bomb, ionosphere exciter etc. which can swap the entire earth in a day or half.But What about the mother nature. Our beautiful mother Earth helps us to live. Our mother earth talks and caress our psychology through Akasha or Schuman Resonance. Nobody is good or bad, its the negativity which is bad and positivity which is good. We are only the carrier. If carrying good thoughts or spirituality we will be good and vice versa.We are the starting and the end. We can change the course of life inspiring many others and they would inspire others and this chain has to go on.

Now a days, we are so woven inside our material self. We don't have time to look for other things which are more important than being the richest personality.We often forget  being ourselves and live the life of others. We, deep down in our heart know, that money can give us everything which is a sense of satisfaction only. But it is not the right source of derivation. It is not what we can totally rely for happiness.Money comes and goes but once we get attached to spirituality instead of money, it brings stability in life. We have invented promissory notes. But its the most bizarre thing happening to humanity.Those who have most of it are sad because they have too much of it and they have to keep it safe and those who have nothing they are also sad because they have nothing. They are poor. There is just a difference of standard of living in rich and poor. A poor man can afford a small size car whereas a rich man can afford a big car but both of these vehicles  have to be driven on the road  which is not their property. Both the rich or poor man can not own the roads.It is a public property. It is owned by the Government. Nobody can live happily even by becoming the most richest person of the world until unless he embraces spirituality in totality. Once you have done it. You will remain constant in your thoughts. The fluctuations in your money earning capacity can never make you sad. You will the happiest person whether you are rich or not, it will not matter.

Spirituality promotes positive thoughts. It is written in Hindu Vedas that this world in not made of matter but thoughts or consciousness. Your intention would take you where you want to be. Our intelligence is also a hollow entity until unless we dip it into spirituality.We can make big decisions, very bid indeed but What kind of a decision. Whom is it going to effect more, you or the party at other side of decision. Let it be the  wisest decision. But would it be so. How about a decision made by a company to purchase a land in a village to manufacture cars and sell to the people of the country, by building a plant there. But that land is already occupied by people who are aboriginal.If the management has already made its mind to buy that land by hook or crook because it would triple the profit. It seems to be a good decision  from the company's point of view But what about the people who are living there . Where they would go. Do you really think it is the wisest decision or  is it something good  to do, only for piling up some more money in the accounts.It already has billions. Our intelligence mimics of thoughts. If its negative we would see negative traits in our wisdom and vice versa. Instead of acquiring a land for piling up more promissory notes they can help people settle there. They are all poor people. They are also not happy. If an act of care is displayed to somebody ,it does wonders , it can be anything from patiently listening to someone to believing in him or her.This is one of the examples. There are many examples, real example like this which exist because we are far behind spiritually being most ahead materialistically.

We should know what happiness is made of. It is made only inside us. There is nothing outside of us which is happiness otherwise we would have purchased it and become happy millions of years ago. But it has not happened so.
Through Spirituality, we can access our inbuilt happiness. We are the happiness. It is not  a thing or entity. 

Thanks and keep hard working on !!
Ashumeet Mitter

1 comment:

  1. Really very nice blog. Thanks for providing all the info at one place and I would like to go through it. I also want some info hindu slokas and mantras in Hindi language as am a Hindi reader. Can you please provide it.
