Tuesday 29 December 2015

Fear is beautiful.

Fear is beautiful.

Do you know what is fear ? Do you sometimes get afraid.Have you ever tried to see what exactly is this feeling, fear. We all do this. We all emote fear. So, this seems to be an emotion, yes, it is , but why do we do so. Why we fear. It is a big scientific question and probably, there are many reliable and proven answers to it. Lets see how we can get at the roots of fear without taking the help of science.

Fear is something which involves some other party which has to behave as stimuli. You can sit and suddenly you get afraid, this can never happen, it requires stimuli, it can be as little as a thought to as big as thought.Yes, fear is imagination. Lets leave behind what science is telling and yelling. It does require stimuli to start a feeling which is also the basic feature of organic emotions. It always has to be dual.Its duality which is the basic nature of our very own mother nature. Everything in this universe is found in duality like day and night, male and female, black and white, slow and fast, sleep and awake etcetera. We cant image our world without duality. So, fear  also follows same rule and pattern.
It has to have somebody which behaves as igniter, like the ignition of fuel engines. This stimuli cant be a single object which can be made a universal signifier of fear. Different people have differently wired perceptions. One person can be Gynophobic and other can be womaniser.It depends on the perception itself but it is absolutely imaginary.Whatever which gets from outside to inside of our minds becomes imagination. Our SI unit of imagination is thoughts per subject. Let it be any subject or topic. The thoughts would define it first in our mind its total features and objectives and then when it gets outside of mind it has to have something to be as appearing like a substance or the matter.It has to have some shape of its kind. Fear resembles closely to anger and cry. Some people get angry when they fear and some start to cry. This is also a typical phenomenon when we exchange emotions because our brain has been wired so since birth.But anger or cry or fear do not have a specific shape or matter which can be treated as substance. It is all perceptions which come into play.They cannot take a form so that they can be destroyed forever. As iron cuts iron. We have to put something of same type and nature as thoughts to curb the effect of fear on our mind. It blocks the thoughts.It puts a deadlock between what we want to do and what we are doing from this part of want. Its bad very bad. Its kind of road block which turns off our very enticing mind. It stops the process for sometime or puts comma into our thought process. It is dangerous as it also suppresses our thoughts which is also not good for our mental self. It is even more dangerous from this point of conclusion.

Have you ever thought about the mixing of ego with fear. People would not accept that they fear  because it will heart their egos. Ego is nothing but a self imagination. It cannot be both ways as because its not I who has manufactured myself. Its God. So, its not truly true the calculation of our egos. Its limited and probationary. We do lot of mistakes just to manage our egos. we want to be the king of the world just because of ego which is imaginary in nature and borne out of thoughts which has been programmed into us by our seniors who took care of us when we were child.In many cases, it has become the main cause of destruction of human self. Its only because of egos many wars have been fought in the past, resulting in killing of innocent people.God will never take this. He is preparing something better for us.Spiritual people don't have egos.They are zero because they know each individual is unique and only because of some imagined stuff they cant place themselves higher or lower than anybody. Everybody is uniquely equal and unequal to each other.

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  The great India philosopher Dharmakirti and Naagarjuna , consider this world to be a perception which creates reality. It is just the nouns which is the world. They have tried to prove the unrealistic nature of death, motion and many other phenomenon.They say nothing can be formed in independence in this world. To perceive a table we need to add four legs to a rectangular or flat surface. When they are connected in this specific way then only we will call it a table, otherwise it is nothing.Similarly, motion requires and involves two objects otherwise it will not be considered as motion. In running, it requires humans and earth or surface. Death exists in duality. To die two objects are needed. The dying and the killer. A killer can be a disease also.Therefore , the very independent nature of this universe is unrealistic. Putting fear in this theory.It also requires two objects. And as nothing can exist in isolation, we have been hard wired with fear in our minds. We cannot escape it.But by accepting it and expressing it genuinely might improve our response to it. Its the response which matters not the fear itself.
Life is more of reply or response rather than request or intake.

Thanks and keep harworking !!

Ashumeet Mitter

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