Monday 28 December 2015

A Beatiful lesson from Vedis Sanskrit Mantras-1

आलस्यं हि मनुष्याणां शरीरस्थो महान् रिपुः |
नास्त्युद्यमसमो बन्धुः कृत्वा यं नावसीदति ||
(Alasyam hi manushyam sharerastho mahan ripuaha)
(nastudayamsamo bandhu kritvaa yam navsidtee)

This beautiful shloka says"the laziness which lives inside human self is its greatest enemy whereas the diligence is his greatest friend"

Once we come to this world from our mother's womb, the most comfortable place anyone can imagine, there are few things which keep going on by its own. We don't need to put effort in it.For example, breathing, digestion, beating of heart, sub-conscious mind etcetera. But there are a lot of other things which are not automatic and we need to do it by involving our physical self.For example, eating, walking, drinking, running, physical labour etcetera. The physical or mental labour is the protagonist in these mantras. It is stressed in these mantras to be diligent.It is crowned as the most worthy friend of humans where as laziness is depicted as most devastating enemy.

We are derived from God who has given us free will and upper and lower limbs. We, in the current time, are the owner of a vast civilization, which we have build. A little understanding of this civilization is enough to speculate the importance of mental or physical labour in this civilization.It is absolutely right thing to say laziness has no place in the machinery of our civilization. It can even lead to destruction of a human self. According to the mechanics of the civilization, we have to earn bread and butter to survive. There are also very less spiritual people in this world, which is a bad thing, who will feed people without charging a single penny.
Read here about spirituality-

 Everything comes from the nature, or Earth to be more precise, which we need or use for our survival. Earth does not charge a single penny for it but the machinery of our civilization is designed in way that we have to earn it.There is nothing which cannot be earned but it should also be noted that to earn it we need to spend and the survival would depend solely on the spending in some extreme cases.The mantras warn us that if we become lazy this civilization will become our biggest enemy and eventually end us. But if we become diligent, the same civilization will become our biggest friend. Its only us who needs a change. We cannot change the machinery of civilization. It is almost stable by now. We have learned to follow its rules. It has become a well known standard for us. We happily teach the rules and standards to our children. We have accepted it in totality. There is no running away now.We are connected and soldered to it in an irrevocable way.We can think to discover short cuts in this machinery. Many have found it. Many have been destroyed in the process. Many have lived happily but if diligence is providing 100% guaranteed success in this machinery then why don't we become diligent. There are exceptions in every case, here will be too, but a very few.

These mantras are one of the golden rules for our, self created ,civilization. It is a law. It seems very simple and straight forward but it is complex.Like the golden rule in physics for our world, every action has its equal and opposite reaction, it is somewhat connected to duality defined in Hindu Vedas, Tamas and Rajas or modern Ying and Yang. They both are connected and they affect each other. Tamas if affected would make Rajas to adjust by reacting in the same way or force which it initially received and vice versa.Both diligence and laziness are like these two forces. They both affect each other and react too.The more you become lazy the less you will be diligent and the more you become diligent the less you will be lazy.And there has to be a balance between the two. If one become too lazy then it is no less than a curse and similarly if somebody becomes too diligent then it is also not good. His health can become bad. Its only us who can decide and play the lead roles in this civilization. These mantras are a guideline from spiritual mystics who had ocean like wisdom.Its unto us to think it over and decide.

The formula of survival with head held up high, in this man made civilization is-

A/q to mantras:

survival with head held up high is directly proportionate to D,diligence  which means -

                            S, survival = diligence

and it is inversely proportionate to l, laziness

                           So,  S  =   D/l

Thanks and keep hard working!!
Ashumeet Mitter

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