Tuesday 29 December 2015

Who am I ?[The human beings]

Have you ever thought about what am I, who am I, while driving a car or having lunch at a beautiful restaurant.Very few of us travel the path less used. Very few of us like adventures or it my be the exactly opposite but we don't like to show it to others[inferiority complex]. These questions are spiritual adventures. If you get right answers to these questions your view about yourself will change permanently.The mundane world would seem a stupid place in totality. It will start to loose its charm. If you get even the slightest idea about who you are you will find yourself filed with the feeling of independence.You will start to get away from your body and find yourself floating on top of nothing.This nothingness is everything for us. The light from the sun takes at least 8 mins. approx to reach earth.Before its first ray hitting the Earth, it is all invisible. If moon will also stop lighting up. It will be complete darkness. We will move into other world where you will be just you , you can hear you voice, you can understand beautiful fragrances, you can also hear other peoples voice. But you will start to feel how attached you were to a beautiful day. You have been completed soldered with the traits of a beautiful day. You have been attached to it in totality. It is almost permanent.
The same kind of change you will experience when you get to know about yourself that you were so attached to the world that you have lost yourself in it.

So, Who exactly am I?
I am The CONSCIOUSNESS, I am a the beautiful  OBSERVER.
I am nothing, I don't have any existence as such but I am just an example of cosmic CONSCIOUSNESS wearing a very small overcoat[Our bodies].The size is more than trillionth of a micron.

I have a sense of intelligence. I can pass mirror test. I can laugh on jokes. I can sense truth and falsehood. I can crack jokes and make others laugh. I can THINK and IMAGINE and at the same time I can OBSERVE myself doing this very act of thinking and imagining.I have two stuffs installed in myself. One which is more like my worldly self which interacts with the world.It includes everything which we can do in this world right from pissing to having sex.Other is the OBSERVER who can observe, in us, ourselves.I am the universe itself. The Vedas have coated that  Yatha pinde tatha brahmande, yatha brahmande tatha pinde, which means as is the Universe so is the humans and as is the humans so is the Universe. It is trying to convey the simple similarity between humans and universe. Universe here can be the consciousness. Our cosmos is conscious, as because we have a consciousness and the coat says we are exactly the same as the universe. It has to be the opposite way. Its the universe's consciousness which we are deriving.We can check out this beautiful example.
A computer can play a song. It can reduce or increase the volume. It can play other songs in the list. It can save songs. It can select a song and play it. 
It can put a loop on a song. It can also repeat a song for a particular times. Great!
Lets now see how the humans would so the same thing.We can THINK to sing a song and we sing it.We can THINK to increase or decrease our voice. We can THINK to retrieve and sing other song from our memory and we do it.We can THINK to memorize a song and save it in our long term memory and we do it.We can THINK to sing a song for a particular number of times and we do it.
We can do all these things even we are alone in a room without getting any instructions from other humans.Can a computer do so. Can it THINK of its own??. Can it think to play a song for particular number of times?? It can never do it. Artificial intelligence can but it also requires algorithms which create algorithms on the fly.If a computer wants to be like humans it will require a CONSCIOUSNESS or an OBSERVER who will tell it about its current status. We have this DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS which keeps on telling our current status to our brains.And Sages consider this CONSCIOUSNESS to be WHO YOU ARE. You are not a computer. You cannot be, if you somehow become so then you will be no more than a dead entity.You can be something in shape but no activity or so many activities without any order hence a complex dirty mechanism of serious chaos which will eventually lead to destruction or infinity.We become like computer only after death.

Time is the 4th dimension, our current scientific research have predicted around 10 or 11 dimensions. But the Vedas talk about 64 dimensions!! The first one is length, the second breadth , the third is height or depth, we have two eyes just for the depth perception, and fourth is TIME. But we don't age, in this civilization, time is just a standard containing 12 hours, 60 minutes, 60 seconds. It is just a method which helps in coordination among billions of people around the globe, as because millions or money is on the lines, on this very coordination, if we detach time from earth, there will be chaos, big chaos.It wont reach infinity but destruction.Time is precious so is life.We don't depend on time, otherwise the people who were born at the same time and on same day would die a natural death at the same time and on the day. We also age differently on our same body biologically, this is  what Michio Kaku explains, hence it proves we don't depend on time, biologically.So ,what is the relationship between time and consciousness.They may or may not share a relation. This universe is in constant flux. The planets are moving not in a elliptical way but in spiral way. Energy is spiral as Vedas explain. Time is also spiral not linear.Energy is also spiral. We at the basic level are energy.Time is the distance travelled from the point of nothing till the current place of expanding universe in this void. Its from nothingness that we have born. The Big Bang theory of Universe depends on it. It seems most realistic as universe is expanding.It might have started from a point. We are all stardust.We are made from it.Vedas say this universe goes on dying and then taking a new birth.Same like us.This phenomenon called the exhalation and inhalation of Brahman in Vedas.Its depicted as a day and night.Life is beautiful as the nature itself.

We are the universe so we can change it and make it a better place. We can do it.  :)

Thanks and keep harworking!!

Ashumeet Mitter

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