Thursday 31 December 2015

Accessing the Akasha or the Akashic records.

First of all let me tell you, we are the most modern organic super machines. We are the divine technology. You might have heard this statement many a times before. But I mean it in totality. We are the most advanced technology which has a consciousness of our own. This is what which differentiates us from other species. If we want to get an idea about ourselves in terms of computers then we can be those kinds of computer which can think of its own. They should not be depended upon others for taking smallest decisions like, booting up. We humans do not need any other toys or humans to make decisions for us; please don’t mix our civilization with human organic machinery. Our consciousness knows everything. We rely on it. It behaves as a guide post. And it is only because of consciousness we can interact with our cosmos. It is the most important mechanical equipment we possess which is free of cost. In fact, the entire human race and few animals possess it, like us.
So, lets read this mini story.

Once, there was a boy who has never accepted 

anybody’s dominance. He was well built, but lacked 

confidence. He was a dependent child. He wanted to do 

his own business but never ever he will become an 

employee in somebody’s company. He was rigid and 

stubborn. He did not belong to a rich family. 

Now, I want all of you to comprehend and get a short 

idea about the boy. You can use your brain…..Ok!

Let me tell you what you or your brain is doing, in lay man’s way. It is making a picture of the boy from this description. After which, it is trying to get new instances of pictures stored in your brain as past experiences and then it matches those old pictures with the current picture. The most similar picture becomes your view about the boy. It can be anything, for example, the boy is emotional, he might be a hard worker, and he might be a case of Gynophobia etcetera. It is so, because it is coming from the past experiences of people who generally don’t share a similar piece of environment. But one thing is sure tight that you all have made some strong views about that boy from the passage. And you all have already considered your view as the correct one. Has anyone from you considered the boy as boy from his decision?? Whatever be the case let it be. It doesn’t matter. We are talking about the engine not the fuel. We have to talk about human organic machinery not the food or water. What if you don’t have any past experience to match with the boy? The brain is being watched by consciousness and in that case it will switch from expressiveness to input and try to save it as experience for future purposes. It is all linked and new references are made on the fly.

The second story is more interesting.

There was a girl whose parents have decided to marry 

her as she had secured her first salary. They wanted to 

look for a boy who will allow their child to work after 

the marriage. They sent the picture of their girl to five 

families and received their pictures as well. Coincidentally, those five families were in contact with each other. They  exchanged the picture of the girl and each of them said they have already seen that girl. She was the same girl from their picture. Her eyes were same. Her nose was same, even her lips were same. She was in fact the same girl.

But how?The families were different. They were different people who have seen the girl. It was not one person who saw that girl. They were many, but still they saw the same girl, as she was. So, where is the perception and past experience gone? Why couldn’t they see a different girl physically? Isn’t it a miracle?Doesn’t it tell that there is one supreme omnipresent vibe which lets us [the nature] to look or behave in a certain universal way?If it is not then why the girl who is derived from nature looks same to each and every different people of the families.As also the sentences and meaning of the first short story will look same to all who knows the standards of English language.
In fact, she [the single girl] would look same to the entire human race, which she shouldn’t, if we the humans are looking at her, we all have different experiences, right?
There are standards for human beings as well. It will be called in this case The Morphogenetic Consciousness Field. It is kind of instructions which are already decided and filed. There is almost a void known as Akasha in Vedas or Collective Unconscious by Carl Jung where we humans have a network of networks. We are connected to it sometimes consciously, very rarely, but unconsciously, always. It is the ZERO POINT ENERGY or ETHER. Each and every event of any human living or dead on this world has his or her entry in it. It’s like that tree in the movie, Avatar. It has been inspired from Vedas itself. The term Avatar is also from the same source, the Vedas. The tree behaved as a bridge between all the living and dead people of that clan. They used to connect it with their hairs but in reality it requires certain kind of meditation which will allow you to tune into the frequency of Akasha. You can then read about your life from the past till your future. And if you are allowed you can even access the records of other people also. Have you ever heard of Naadi Leaves of Tamil Nadu. They can tell your past as well as the future just by analysing your thumb print. They can even tell your name from it. It is the most visible proof of Akasha or Akashic Records. You can also access it.
So, from where did these families could make that girl to look same to each member? Don’t you think their brains were getting instructions from some higher dimensions? It is where these standards for human unique shapes have been kept. The DNA also is a receiver of information from Akasha as the Vedas explain. DNA receives its code from the Akasha itself and here, we can conclude why they didn’t see a different face of the same girl. We don’t manufacture the shapes, it is something which comes from higher dimensions or Ether or Akasha. And we are connected to it already; it gets proved from this very simple example of same face. If we are not connected to it then we might see some different face or no face at all. It also proves that we share same form of awareness. Our consciousness is same and divided among human race.

We are a complex form of machinery, thousand times more 

complex than the most complex machinery of the present 


Thanks and keep hardworking !!

Ashumeet Mitter

Happy New Year 2016

There are BILLIONS of galaxies in this universe.There are billions of billions solar systems in a single galaxy. It takes light years to light to reach Earth from the stars. One light year is equal to light travelling a ditance in one year. Speed of light is 299 792 458 m / s.
Sun revolves around the center of our galaxy. Planets, around the sun. Satellites, around the planets. Each of these also moves on their own axises. Human moves around themselves. Males revolve around females. Females revolve only around their own axises. Parents around children.Food around instestines. Earthworm around Earth. Cheffs around kitchen.
And me, Wishing all of you,a HAPPY NEW YAER... 2016 !!, :), Drink water eat music, God Bless

Thanks and keep harworking!!

Ashumeet Mitter

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Who am I ?[The human beings]

Have you ever thought about what am I, who am I, while driving a car or having lunch at a beautiful restaurant.Very few of us travel the path less used. Very few of us like adventures or it my be the exactly opposite but we don't like to show it to others[inferiority complex]. These questions are spiritual adventures. If you get right answers to these questions your view about yourself will change permanently.The mundane world would seem a stupid place in totality. It will start to loose its charm. If you get even the slightest idea about who you are you will find yourself filed with the feeling of independence.You will start to get away from your body and find yourself floating on top of nothing.This nothingness is everything for us. The light from the sun takes at least 8 mins. approx to reach earth.Before its first ray hitting the Earth, it is all invisible. If moon will also stop lighting up. It will be complete darkness. We will move into other world where you will be just you , you can hear you voice, you can understand beautiful fragrances, you can also hear other peoples voice. But you will start to feel how attached you were to a beautiful day. You have been completed soldered with the traits of a beautiful day. You have been attached to it in totality. It is almost permanent.
The same kind of change you will experience when you get to know about yourself that you were so attached to the world that you have lost yourself in it.

So, Who exactly am I?
I am The CONSCIOUSNESS, I am a the beautiful  OBSERVER.
I am nothing, I don't have any existence as such but I am just an example of cosmic CONSCIOUSNESS wearing a very small overcoat[Our bodies].The size is more than trillionth of a micron.

I have a sense of intelligence. I can pass mirror test. I can laugh on jokes. I can sense truth and falsehood. I can crack jokes and make others laugh. I can THINK and IMAGINE and at the same time I can OBSERVE myself doing this very act of thinking and imagining.I have two stuffs installed in myself. One which is more like my worldly self which interacts with the world.It includes everything which we can do in this world right from pissing to having sex.Other is the OBSERVER who can observe, in us, ourselves.I am the universe itself. The Vedas have coated that  Yatha pinde tatha brahmande, yatha brahmande tatha pinde, which means as is the Universe so is the humans and as is the humans so is the Universe. It is trying to convey the simple similarity between humans and universe. Universe here can be the consciousness. Our cosmos is conscious, as because we have a consciousness and the coat says we are exactly the same as the universe. It has to be the opposite way. Its the universe's consciousness which we are deriving.We can check out this beautiful example.
A computer can play a song. It can reduce or increase the volume. It can play other songs in the list. It can save songs. It can select a song and play it. 
It can put a loop on a song. It can also repeat a song for a particular times. Great!
Lets now see how the humans would so the same thing.We can THINK to sing a song and we sing it.We can THINK to increase or decrease our voice. We can THINK to retrieve and sing other song from our memory and we do it.We can THINK to memorize a song and save it in our long term memory and we do it.We can THINK to sing a song for a particular number of times and we do it.
We can do all these things even we are alone in a room without getting any instructions from other humans.Can a computer do so. Can it THINK of its own??. Can it think to play a song for particular number of times?? It can never do it. Artificial intelligence can but it also requires algorithms which create algorithms on the fly.If a computer wants to be like humans it will require a CONSCIOUSNESS or an OBSERVER who will tell it about its current status. We have this DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS which keeps on telling our current status to our brains.And Sages consider this CONSCIOUSNESS to be WHO YOU ARE. You are not a computer. You cannot be, if you somehow become so then you will be no more than a dead entity.You can be something in shape but no activity or so many activities without any order hence a complex dirty mechanism of serious chaos which will eventually lead to destruction or infinity.We become like computer only after death.

Time is the 4th dimension, our current scientific research have predicted around 10 or 11 dimensions. But the Vedas talk about 64 dimensions!! The first one is length, the second breadth , the third is height or depth, we have two eyes just for the depth perception, and fourth is TIME. But we don't age, in this civilization, time is just a standard containing 12 hours, 60 minutes, 60 seconds. It is just a method which helps in coordination among billions of people around the globe, as because millions or money is on the lines, on this very coordination, if we detach time from earth, there will be chaos, big chaos.It wont reach infinity but destruction.Time is precious so is life.We don't depend on time, otherwise the people who were born at the same time and on same day would die a natural death at the same time and on the day. We also age differently on our same body biologically, this is  what Michio Kaku explains, hence it proves we don't depend on time, biologically.So ,what is the relationship between time and consciousness.They may or may not share a relation. This universe is in constant flux. The planets are moving not in a elliptical way but in spiral way. Energy is spiral as Vedas explain. Time is also spiral not linear.Energy is also spiral. We at the basic level are energy.Time is the distance travelled from the point of nothing till the current place of expanding universe in this void. Its from nothingness that we have born. The Big Bang theory of Universe depends on it. It seems most realistic as universe is expanding.It might have started from a point. We are all stardust.We are made from it.Vedas say this universe goes on dying and then taking a new birth.Same like us.This phenomenon called the exhalation and inhalation of Brahman in Vedas.Its depicted as a day and night.Life is beautiful as the nature itself.

We are the universe so we can change it and make it a better place. We can do it.  :)

Thanks and keep harworking!!

Ashumeet Mitter

Fear is beautiful.

Fear is beautiful.

Do you know what is fear ? Do you sometimes get afraid.Have you ever tried to see what exactly is this feeling, fear. We all do this. We all emote fear. So, this seems to be an emotion, yes, it is , but why do we do so. Why we fear. It is a big scientific question and probably, there are many reliable and proven answers to it. Lets see how we can get at the roots of fear without taking the help of science.

Fear is something which involves some other party which has to behave as stimuli. You can sit and suddenly you get afraid, this can never happen, it requires stimuli, it can be as little as a thought to as big as thought.Yes, fear is imagination. Lets leave behind what science is telling and yelling. It does require stimuli to start a feeling which is also the basic feature of organic emotions. It always has to be dual.Its duality which is the basic nature of our very own mother nature. Everything in this universe is found in duality like day and night, male and female, black and white, slow and fast, sleep and awake etcetera. We cant image our world without duality. So, fear  also follows same rule and pattern.
It has to have somebody which behaves as igniter, like the ignition of fuel engines. This stimuli cant be a single object which can be made a universal signifier of fear. Different people have differently wired perceptions. One person can be Gynophobic and other can be womaniser.It depends on the perception itself but it is absolutely imaginary.Whatever which gets from outside to inside of our minds becomes imagination. Our SI unit of imagination is thoughts per subject. Let it be any subject or topic. The thoughts would define it first in our mind its total features and objectives and then when it gets outside of mind it has to have something to be as appearing like a substance or the matter.It has to have some shape of its kind. Fear resembles closely to anger and cry. Some people get angry when they fear and some start to cry. This is also a typical phenomenon when we exchange emotions because our brain has been wired so since birth.But anger or cry or fear do not have a specific shape or matter which can be treated as substance. It is all perceptions which come into play.They cannot take a form so that they can be destroyed forever. As iron cuts iron. We have to put something of same type and nature as thoughts to curb the effect of fear on our mind. It blocks the thoughts.It puts a deadlock between what we want to do and what we are doing from this part of want. Its bad very bad. Its kind of road block which turns off our very enticing mind. It stops the process for sometime or puts comma into our thought process. It is dangerous as it also suppresses our thoughts which is also not good for our mental self. It is even more dangerous from this point of conclusion.

Have you ever thought about the mixing of ego with fear. People would not accept that they fear  because it will heart their egos. Ego is nothing but a self imagination. It cannot be both ways as because its not I who has manufactured myself. Its God. So, its not truly true the calculation of our egos. Its limited and probationary. We do lot of mistakes just to manage our egos. we want to be the king of the world just because of ego which is imaginary in nature and borne out of thoughts which has been programmed into us by our seniors who took care of us when we were child.In many cases, it has become the main cause of destruction of human self. Its only because of egos many wars have been fought in the past, resulting in killing of innocent people.God will never take this. He is preparing something better for us.Spiritual people don't have egos.They are zero because they know each individual is unique and only because of some imagined stuff they cant place themselves higher or lower than anybody. Everybody is uniquely equal and unequal to each other.

read more about spirituality hear

  The great India philosopher Dharmakirti and Naagarjuna , consider this world to be a perception which creates reality. It is just the nouns which is the world. They have tried to prove the unrealistic nature of death, motion and many other phenomenon.They say nothing can be formed in independence in this world. To perceive a table we need to add four legs to a rectangular or flat surface. When they are connected in this specific way then only we will call it a table, otherwise it is nothing.Similarly, motion requires and involves two objects otherwise it will not be considered as motion. In running, it requires humans and earth or surface. Death exists in duality. To die two objects are needed. The dying and the killer. A killer can be a disease also.Therefore , the very independent nature of this universe is unrealistic. Putting fear in this theory.It also requires two objects. And as nothing can exist in isolation, we have been hard wired with fear in our minds. We cannot escape it.But by accepting it and expressing it genuinely might improve our response to it. Its the response which matters not the fear itself.
Life is more of reply or response rather than request or intake.

Thanks and keep harworking !!

Ashumeet Mitter

Monday 28 December 2015

A Beatiful lesson from Vedis Sanskrit Mantras-1

आलस्यं हि मनुष्याणां शरीरस्थो महान् रिपुः |
नास्त्युद्यमसमो बन्धुः कृत्वा यं नावसीदति ||
(Alasyam hi manushyam sharerastho mahan ripuaha)
(nastudayamsamo bandhu kritvaa yam navsidtee)

This beautiful shloka says"the laziness which lives inside human self is its greatest enemy whereas the diligence is his greatest friend"

Once we come to this world from our mother's womb, the most comfortable place anyone can imagine, there are few things which keep going on by its own. We don't need to put effort in it.For example, breathing, digestion, beating of heart, sub-conscious mind etcetera. But there are a lot of other things which are not automatic and we need to do it by involving our physical self.For example, eating, walking, drinking, running, physical labour etcetera. The physical or mental labour is the protagonist in these mantras. It is stressed in these mantras to be diligent.It is crowned as the most worthy friend of humans where as laziness is depicted as most devastating enemy.

We are derived from God who has given us free will and upper and lower limbs. We, in the current time, are the owner of a vast civilization, which we have build. A little understanding of this civilization is enough to speculate the importance of mental or physical labour in this civilization.It is absolutely right thing to say laziness has no place in the machinery of our civilization. It can even lead to destruction of a human self. According to the mechanics of the civilization, we have to earn bread and butter to survive. There are also very less spiritual people in this world, which is a bad thing, who will feed people without charging a single penny.
Read here about spirituality-

 Everything comes from the nature, or Earth to be more precise, which we need or use for our survival. Earth does not charge a single penny for it but the machinery of our civilization is designed in way that we have to earn it.There is nothing which cannot be earned but it should also be noted that to earn it we need to spend and the survival would depend solely on the spending in some extreme cases.The mantras warn us that if we become lazy this civilization will become our biggest enemy and eventually end us. But if we become diligent, the same civilization will become our biggest friend. Its only us who needs a change. We cannot change the machinery of civilization. It is almost stable by now. We have learned to follow its rules. It has become a well known standard for us. We happily teach the rules and standards to our children. We have accepted it in totality. There is no running away now.We are connected and soldered to it in an irrevocable way.We can think to discover short cuts in this machinery. Many have found it. Many have been destroyed in the process. Many have lived happily but if diligence is providing 100% guaranteed success in this machinery then why don't we become diligent. There are exceptions in every case, here will be too, but a very few.

These mantras are one of the golden rules for our, self created ,civilization. It is a law. It seems very simple and straight forward but it is complex.Like the golden rule in physics for our world, every action has its equal and opposite reaction, it is somewhat connected to duality defined in Hindu Vedas, Tamas and Rajas or modern Ying and Yang. They both are connected and they affect each other. Tamas if affected would make Rajas to adjust by reacting in the same way or force which it initially received and vice versa.Both diligence and laziness are like these two forces. They both affect each other and react too.The more you become lazy the less you will be diligent and the more you become diligent the less you will be lazy.And there has to be a balance between the two. If one become too lazy then it is no less than a curse and similarly if somebody becomes too diligent then it is also not good. His health can become bad. Its only us who can decide and play the lead roles in this civilization. These mantras are a guideline from spiritual mystics who had ocean like wisdom.Its unto us to think it over and decide.

The formula of survival with head held up high, in this man made civilization is-

A/q to mantras:

survival with head held up high is directly proportionate to D,diligence  which means -

                            S, survival = diligence

and it is inversely proportionate to l, laziness

                           So,  S  =   D/l

Thanks and keep hard working!!
Ashumeet Mitter

Sunday 27 December 2015

Beautiful hut of numbers in Console Application.

Beautiful lonely logic.

Arts meets logic.Checkout this beautiful lonely hut made of numbers in console application.

Here's the code in C#.

class ConsoleHut
        static short a, b;
        public static void MakeAHutOfNumbers()

            a = 30;
            b = 46;

            for (int i = 17; i < 20; i++)

                Console.SetCursorPosition(0, i);
                for (int t = 0; t < 80; t++)
                    if (t <= 24)
                    else if(t >= 56)
            for (int p = 8; p < 15; p++)
                Console.SetCursorPosition(b + 3, p);
            for (int q = 15; q < 20; q++)
                Console.SetCursorPosition(b + 2, q);
            for (int s = 43; s < 55; s++)
                Console.SetCursorPosition(s, 19);
            for (int t = 16; t < 19; t++)
                Console.SetCursorPosition(47, t);
                Console.WriteLine(t.ToString() + t.ToString());
            for (int i = 8; i < 15; i++)

                Console.SetCursorPosition(a, i);
                for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++)
                if (a == 23)
                    for (int m = 14; m < 19; m++)
                        Console.SetCursorPosition(a, m + 1);

                        for (int j = 15; j < 25; j++)




You can use parallel looping for speed.

Thanks and keep hard working.

Ashumeet Mitter

Saturday 26 December 2015

A Beautiful lesson from Vedic Sanskrit Mantras

A Beautiful lesson from Vedic Sanskrit Mantras

बलवानप्यशक्तोऽसौ धनवानपि निर्धनः |
श्रुतवानपि मूर्खोऽसौ यो धर्मविमुखो जनः ||
("Balwaanpyashakto sau dhananpati nirdhan")
("Shrutwanpati murkho sau dharmvimukho janaha")
"These lines carry a beautiful message. It says a person who is not incumbent on his spiritual self then his strength is of no use to him. He will remain poor in his richness.He will be stupidly intelligent. He will not be able taste intelligence though having it in abundance ."
Spirituality is a science of its own, which can be realized through human thoughts, in such a way that which helps individual to reach a state like EXISTENCE itself, consciously .Spirituality is a medium incorporated and machined inside the human self. It is achievable. 

Spiritualism is derived from existence itself. It is  like the Sun. We can talk about it. We can also question its existence. Some would believe that the Sun exists, they have already seen it but others would not, they might not have seen the Sun. But the reality is the Sun exists. Similarly whether we believe or not spirituality exists and influences our thoughts. Its existence  is as true as nature itself. Spiritualism has to be incorporated in our thoughts. Its the only place where it can exist in its most sacred form. Its you who is the temple. The 'Shloka' or Mantra is telling to embrace spiritualism, otherwise our most valuable possessions could never be used for what they have been designed for in a righteous manner.The inner world of humans has to be drawn on the lines of spirituality. There is so much negativity around us .Its only by being spiritual we can save us from the swirling negativity. Negative thoughts have tried to kill the world two times in the past.Its still not down . We are living in an illusion of peacefulness. We are unsafe.We have developed so powerful weapons like nuclear bomb, ionosphere exciter etc. which can swap the entire earth in a day or half.But What about the mother nature. Our beautiful mother Earth helps us to live. Our mother earth talks and caress our psychology through Akasha or Schuman Resonance. Nobody is good or bad, its the negativity which is bad and positivity which is good. We are only the carrier. If carrying good thoughts or spirituality we will be good and vice versa.We are the starting and the end. We can change the course of life inspiring many others and they would inspire others and this chain has to go on.

Now a days, we are so woven inside our material self. We don't have time to look for other things which are more important than being the richest personality.We often forget  being ourselves and live the life of others. We, deep down in our heart know, that money can give us everything which is a sense of satisfaction only. But it is not the right source of derivation. It is not what we can totally rely for happiness.Money comes and goes but once we get attached to spirituality instead of money, it brings stability in life. We have invented promissory notes. But its the most bizarre thing happening to humanity.Those who have most of it are sad because they have too much of it and they have to keep it safe and those who have nothing they are also sad because they have nothing. They are poor. There is just a difference of standard of living in rich and poor. A poor man can afford a small size car whereas a rich man can afford a big car but both of these vehicles  have to be driven on the road  which is not their property. Both the rich or poor man can not own the roads.It is a public property. It is owned by the Government. Nobody can live happily even by becoming the most richest person of the world until unless he embraces spirituality in totality. Once you have done it. You will remain constant in your thoughts. The fluctuations in your money earning capacity can never make you sad. You will the happiest person whether you are rich or not, it will not matter.

Spirituality promotes positive thoughts. It is written in Hindu Vedas that this world in not made of matter but thoughts or consciousness. Your intention would take you where you want to be. Our intelligence is also a hollow entity until unless we dip it into spirituality.We can make big decisions, very bid indeed but What kind of a decision. Whom is it going to effect more, you or the party at other side of decision. Let it be the  wisest decision. But would it be so. How about a decision made by a company to purchase a land in a village to manufacture cars and sell to the people of the country, by building a plant there. But that land is already occupied by people who are aboriginal.If the management has already made its mind to buy that land by hook or crook because it would triple the profit. It seems to be a good decision  from the company's point of view But what about the people who are living there . Where they would go. Do you really think it is the wisest decision or  is it something good  to do, only for piling up some more money in the accounts.It already has billions. Our intelligence mimics of thoughts. If its negative we would see negative traits in our wisdom and vice versa. Instead of acquiring a land for piling up more promissory notes they can help people settle there. They are all poor people. They are also not happy. If an act of care is displayed to somebody ,it does wonders , it can be anything from patiently listening to someone to believing in him or her.This is one of the examples. There are many examples, real example like this which exist because we are far behind spiritually being most ahead materialistically.

We should know what happiness is made of. It is made only inside us. There is nothing outside of us which is happiness otherwise we would have purchased it and become happy millions of years ago. But it has not happened so.
Through Spirituality, we can access our inbuilt happiness. We are the happiness. It is not  a thing or entity. 

Thanks and keep hard working on !!
Ashumeet Mitter

.Net Core 5

Net Core 5. The most spiritual initiative from Microsoft ever. smile emoticon
We had Mono Dot Net as first initiative in this context and now Linux has also been added to it this time.
It is now an entirely open source entity with MIT License.

The extended support for platforms other than Windows would add to the variety of application which can be developed. Majority of the users in the world prefer windows platform for their daily operations. The big IT companies also install windows supported frameworks to operate. Windows 10 is the latest OS from Microsoft, Windows 8.1 was the immediate past launch of Win 10.
With the launch of .net 5, which has made this framework entirely open source, the audience can expect multi platform applications.
The .net framework used to support a variety of language like Java,  python, structural programming by inventing their own language which follows these language's standards. 
There are more than 60 language which dot net supported. It could do so because of the MSIL(Microsoft Intermediate Language). A assembly language which dot net framework supports. The immediate compilers so designed converts all the 60+ language into MSIL and the JIT[Just in time Compiler] compiler knows how to compile this MSIL into machine readable format.It helps people to migrate easily to dot net. If someone knows JAVA, there is no need to learn c# [Ms Invented Language for .Net] , he can code in java straight away. The .net immediate compiler will convert it into MSIL and then the same process. It is known as two step compilation in dot net framework.

Microsoft has always been very supportive in the context of other frameworks and languages.It can run application wherever there is dot net framework installed.It is a big framework containing almost 2 lacks Apis.Dot Net framework has MVC, WCF, WPF, c#,  and many more technologies for developing thin,thick and something which connects both.

As a trainer of Ms Technologies, my best wishes to Ms for this new framework [Dot Net 5].It is going to break all records like in the past.

Thanks and keep hard working.!!

Ashumeet Mitter