Tuesday 12 January 2016

Fibonacci Series.

Magical Fibonacci series.

The kind of numbers we humans work with are generally have their roots in Hindu Vedic Numbers. Mr Aryabhatta, has been the person who pioneered Hindu Vedic number system. He was brilliant mathematician. He might have 12 starnd DNA. His vision was not ordinary. His inventions are not ordinary.

Well, Zero has been inroduced in India frist, here it is called 'Sunya'. Famous Budhist Philosopher, in India , like Dharmakirti and NagaArjuna produced their philosophies in the light of Sunyta or nothingness. They both tried to look human sufferings from a very different angle. They concluded it is not real, we humans have understood it[the sufferings] from a very different perspective.Hence, we suffer.

Coming to Fibonacci series.  Leonardo Bonacci  has been given the credit of introducing Indian or Eastern mathematics to the west. He was an Italian mathematician. In his work popularly known as Liber Abaci or the free arithmetic device, has all the theorems and number system which he learned from Indian. In this very collection of his, there is a mention of Fibonacci series.  In Indian Vedic Number system , Pingala has been the founder of these series. His work has been recorded many centuries before Leonardo. It is actually Pingala Series, anyways.

Lets take a closer look at the Fibonacci series, till 500.
It seems a big mess but it is not. It is a beautiful 

series which can be found followed by Nature itself 

and this thing makes it magical and divine. 

It is the sum of consecutive numbers. When two 

numbers are added, then the second number would 

be added to the result of addition of those two 

numbers and this goes on till infinity. This series is 

simply called Fibonacci. 

Don't you think we are the result of 

sum total of our parents, genetically, and their 

parents and their parents and their parents and so on.
We are a Sum at a point in this Fibonacci series of our 


Thanks and keep hardworking !!!

Ashumeet Mitter