Wednesday 6 January 2016

Apple iPad Pro

Apple iPad Pro and Win and Mac Os

Technology has been there because to help and support the human effort towards making him achieve what he wants to do in life. Computers are no doubt have revolutionized the work which previously was done by human brain. Humans have created computers to become more efficient than them in many cases. Computer can be compared to many people doing a same thing from different area. It is like to make a car where a bunch of people are doing the assembling. One is concerned with tyres,second with engine and third one with body and so on. This setting will make more cars in less time or increase the capacity of production. Computer is now a depreciated term which does not suit it any more. We have gone too far ahead technology wise.

Ms DOS used to be there before Windows Operating Systems. Windows was used to talk with MS DOS as it was more of GUI kind and DOS is CUI kind. Windows was solely developed to give a GUI interface to DOS. Windows used to work with DOS , DOS was the boss before and Windows just its servant. But now the things have evolved very differently, nobody asks DOS now with OS like Windows 10 but let me tell you DOS is still used in software development industry. People rely on it very much.

Mac OS is no doubt a good operating system which is Linux based.
Its interface is no doubt amazing. It is a mixture of both beauty and practicality. The good thing with apple is that it has a lot of products which fits in different categories of devices, for example, music player, tablet, laptop, home pc, tv, mobile phone etcetera. It has tried to cater to all the basic needs of humans as devices. iPhone, iPad, iPod, Mac, Apple Tv are some of its popular products.

 There are many operating systems in the market by many I mean lot many. Even you and me can develop Operating systems,if we know few  machine and assembly level language like C and C++,  we can think of doing it even through C# with PInvoke concepts. which is High Level Language. The point here is, which is more evolved and human friendly to operate. Its the interface which makes its popular. More animation and fluidity will bring more likes. But only looks cant win the game alone, there should be some usefulness as well . It can be of any type, doesn't matter but it should help people which is the basic idea behind this evolution.Apps should make life easy and not complicate.

Well, Apple launched iPad Pro in 2015 Nov. Left.

It is mighty 12.9 inches and the biggest iPad ever. 

It has a Barometer sensor, Accelerometer, three axis Gyro and ambient light sensor.

Two head phone jacks.
8mp camera, full hd recording.

10 hours battery backup and USB charging.
It comes with IOs 9 written in Objective C. It also has stereo sound and it is loud as compared to other products in this segment. Apple puts class in its design. This is one more example from the same thought in reality. The screen feels big and bizarre with the screen saver. For kids , it will prove to be good device for leaning by playing kind of stuff. It has useful applications as well. But feels good and transfers class to its owner as well.

Need wise, it is a great device for people who are in such profession where instant demo and designs are needed to be shown to the clients, as because, it has a big screen. Priced > INR 60k is not a bad deal but buying just for fun, then you can think it over once again, you have a lot many other options , you can get a return Economy class ticket to England from India in less than the price of Apple iPad Pro. But the choice is yours.

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