Random Conclusions
Scientist Albert Einstein states, we[human beings] are part of
whole called by us as universe. Our separation from each
1001 Arabian nights are stories, told by a beautiful girl, to
save her life from a cruel king whereas, Zanab Jeofery
Chaucer ji, wrote Cantebury Tales which comprises 24
stories It is presented in the form of story telling contest by a
group of pilgrim travelling together to Cantebury to visit the
shrine of Thomas Becket, from London and Vishnu Sharma
ji told Panchtantra stories to King Sudarshan's
son,Bahushakti, Ugrashakti and Anantashakti, to teach them life.
Stories can compete, they can save lives and can also teach
people about life.
3)Leave alone Angels and fairies who glow, we humans too
emit light like them, it is known to Russian Discoveries as
BioPhotons !!!
It is not only light but plethora of encoded information. Every
part of our body does, even our eyes emit BioPhotons.
98% junk DNA make use of BioPhotons to create biological
We have our own light like Stars in the night.
We too glow like them though it cannot be seen through
naked eye but felt unconsciously.
Our body is a Piezo- electric substance which means our bodies can produce electricity through stimulation.
Our Emotions are electromagnetic , which simply means they are electric in nature. Body is the extension of mind. If body is electric then mind also have to be so.
Well, s*x is nature's mechanical action of first order.
We stimulate, basically scratch, the opposite sex's body to produce electricity [piezo electric] which once generated is reacted in the form of pleasure. Pleasure is also an emotion, thus electric in nature. This whole action is called foreplay.
Erogenous zones are the best places to produce ample quantity of electricity. E- Stim makes the piezo electric property of user's body to rest but it produces pleasure reaction. This proves the statement.
During m**tur**tion too, friction and scratching takes place which produce electricity in body[piezo electric].
Sex, laughing, hugging, dancing are few mechanical actions which protects our bodies from rusting. Its nature's greasing and oiling method.
Morphogenetic Consciousness is a template which behaves as blueprint for the physical self of entire cosmos.
When light or light like cosmic energies pass through this template or beamed through the virtual pores of this template, the image formed is holographic in nature.
Our DNA receives this light energy and creates proteins to shape our physical existence, in our case. Growing up is the gradual process of shaping the received codes[light energies]. In the cosmic time, our entire lifetime is a period less than a blink of eye, not very gradual. Our consciousness is electromagnetic field being used directly from the flowing cosmic consciousness, like drinking water from a river.
Our Consciousness OWNs this Morphogenetic Consciousness !!! Which literally means, we shape the entire cosmos, our thoughts shape the Entire Eternity. M Consciousness is like a projector whereas, our DNA is like pixel.
Thanks and Keep Hardworking
Ashumeet Mitter
Scientist Albert Einstein states, we[human beings] are part of
whole called by us as universe. Our separation from each

1001 Arabian nights are stories, told by a beautiful girl, to
save her life from a cruel king whereas, Zanab Jeofery
Chaucer ji, wrote Cantebury Tales which comprises 24
stories It is presented in the form of story telling contest by a
group of pilgrim travelling together to Cantebury to visit the
shrine of Thomas Becket, from London and Vishnu Sharma
ji told Panchtantra stories to King Sudarshan's
Stories can compete, they can save lives and can also teach
people about life.

3)Leave alone Angels and fairies who glow, we humans too
emit light like them, it is known to Russian Discoveries as
BioPhotons !!!

It is not only light but plethora of encoded information. Every
part of our body does, even our eyes emit BioPhotons.
98% junk DNA make use of BioPhotons to create biological
We have our own light like Stars in the night.
We too glow like them though it cannot be seen through
naked eye but felt unconsciously.
Our body is a Piezo- electric substance which means our bodies can produce electricity through stimulation.
Our Emotions are electromagnetic
Well, s*x is nature's mechanical action of first order.
We stimulate, basically scratch, the opposite sex's body to produce electricity [piezo electric] which once generated is reacted in the form of pleasure. Pleasure is also an emotion, thus electric in nature. This whole action is called foreplay.
Erogenous zones are the best places to produce ample quantity of electricity. E- Stim makes the piezo electric property of user's body to rest but it produces pleasure reaction. This proves the statement.
During m**tur**tion too, friction and scratching takes place which produce electricity in body[piezo electric].
Sex, laughing, hugging, dancing are few mechanical actions which protects our bodies from rusting. Its nature's greasing and oiling method.
Morphogenetic Consciousness is a template which behaves as blueprint for the physical self of entire cosmos.
When light or light like cosmic energies pass through this template or beamed through the virtual pores of this template, the image formed is holographic in nature.
Our DNA receives this light energy and creates proteins to shape our physical existence, in our case. Growing up is the gradual process of shaping the received codes[light energies]. In the cosmic time, our entire lifetime is a period less than a blink of eye, not very gradual. Our consciousness is electromagnetic
Our Consciousness OWNs this Morphogenetic Consciousness !!! Which literally means, we shape the entire cosmos, our thoughts shape the Entire Eternity. M Consciousness is like a projector whereas, our DNA is like pixel.
Thanks and Keep Hardworking
Ashumeet Mitter
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