Philosophy Vedas .Net Code
Tuesday, 5 December 2017
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
Random Conclusions
Random Conclusions
Scientist Albert Einstein states, we[human beings] are part of
whole called by us as universe. Our separation from each
1001 Arabian nights are stories, told by a beautiful girl, to
save her life from a cruel king whereas, Zanab Jeofery
Chaucer ji, wrote Cantebury Tales which comprises 24
stories It is presented in the form of story telling contest by a
group of pilgrim travelling together to Cantebury to visit the
shrine of Thomas Becket, from London and Vishnu Sharma
ji told Panchtantra stories to King Sudarshan's
son,Bahushakti, Ugrashakti and Anantashakti, to teach them life.
Stories can compete, they can save lives and can also teach
people about life.
3)Leave alone Angels and fairies who glow, we humans too
emit light like them, it is known to Russian Discoveries as
BioPhotons !!!
It is not only light but plethora of encoded information. Every
part of our body does, even our eyes emit BioPhotons.
98% junk DNA make use of BioPhotons to create biological
We have our own light like Stars in the night.
We too glow like them though it cannot be seen through
naked eye but felt unconsciously.
Our body is a Piezo- electric substance which means our bodies can produce electricity through stimulation.
Our Emotions are electromagnetic , which simply means they are electric in nature. Body is the extension of mind. If body is electric then mind also have to be so.
Well, s*x is nature's mechanical action of first order.
We stimulate, basically scratch, the opposite sex's body to produce electricity [piezo electric] which once generated is reacted in the form of pleasure. Pleasure is also an emotion, thus electric in nature. This whole action is called foreplay.
Erogenous zones are the best places to produce ample quantity of electricity. E- Stim makes the piezo electric property of user's body to rest but it produces pleasure reaction. This proves the statement.
During m**tur**tion too, friction and scratching takes place which produce electricity in body[piezo electric].
Sex, laughing, hugging, dancing are few mechanical actions which protects our bodies from rusting. Its nature's greasing and oiling method.
Morphogenetic Consciousness is a template which behaves as blueprint for the physical self of entire cosmos.
When light or light like cosmic energies pass through this template or beamed through the virtual pores of this template, the image formed is holographic in nature.
Our DNA receives this light energy and creates proteins to shape our physical existence, in our case. Growing up is the gradual process of shaping the received codes[light energies]. In the cosmic time, our entire lifetime is a period less than a blink of eye, not very gradual. Our consciousness is electromagnetic field being used directly from the flowing cosmic consciousness, like drinking water from a river.
Our Consciousness OWNs this Morphogenetic Consciousness !!! Which literally means, we shape the entire cosmos, our thoughts shape the Entire Eternity. M Consciousness is like a projector whereas, our DNA is like pixel.
Thanks and Keep Hardworking
Ashumeet Mitter
Scientist Albert Einstein states, we[human beings] are part of
whole called by us as universe. Our separation from each

1001 Arabian nights are stories, told by a beautiful girl, to
save her life from a cruel king whereas, Zanab Jeofery
Chaucer ji, wrote Cantebury Tales which comprises 24
stories It is presented in the form of story telling contest by a
group of pilgrim travelling together to Cantebury to visit the
shrine of Thomas Becket, from London and Vishnu Sharma
ji told Panchtantra stories to King Sudarshan's
Stories can compete, they can save lives and can also teach
people about life.

3)Leave alone Angels and fairies who glow, we humans too
emit light like them, it is known to Russian Discoveries as
BioPhotons !!!

It is not only light but plethora of encoded information. Every
part of our body does, even our eyes emit BioPhotons.
98% junk DNA make use of BioPhotons to create biological
We have our own light like Stars in the night.
We too glow like them though it cannot be seen through
naked eye but felt unconsciously.
Our body is a Piezo- electric substance which means our bodies can produce electricity through stimulation.
Our Emotions are electromagnetic
Well, s*x is nature's mechanical action of first order.
We stimulate, basically scratch, the opposite sex's body to produce electricity [piezo electric] which once generated is reacted in the form of pleasure. Pleasure is also an emotion, thus electric in nature. This whole action is called foreplay.
Erogenous zones are the best places to produce ample quantity of electricity. E- Stim makes the piezo electric property of user's body to rest but it produces pleasure reaction. This proves the statement.
During m**tur**tion too, friction and scratching takes place which produce electricity in body[piezo electric].
Sex, laughing, hugging, dancing are few mechanical actions which protects our bodies from rusting. Its nature's greasing and oiling method.
Morphogenetic Consciousness is a template which behaves as blueprint for the physical self of entire cosmos.
When light or light like cosmic energies pass through this template or beamed through the virtual pores of this template, the image formed is holographic in nature.
Our DNA receives this light energy and creates proteins to shape our physical existence, in our case. Growing up is the gradual process of shaping the received codes[light energies]. In the cosmic time, our entire lifetime is a period less than a blink of eye, not very gradual. Our consciousness is electromagnetic
Our Consciousness OWNs this Morphogenetic Consciousness !!! Which literally means, we shape the entire cosmos, our thoughts shape the Entire Eternity. M Consciousness is like a projector whereas, our DNA is like pixel.
Thanks and Keep Hardworking
Ashumeet Mitter
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
Scientific Conclusions
Random Conclusions
Most illogical words in English - all words, except the ones
which means INFINITY.There is no start and if it is there is
the end. Cosmos is in constant flux. Reality is pronounced
which is there and the next moment it is wave[invisible], if
not observed. Nothing is there but at the same time
everything is there as it is. Matter is diffused form of Mind.
Mind is energy Light and sound waves are the ones which
are complete infinities. All our sense organs read this ONE
COSMIC Light and Sound wave from different perspectives
and create an object for us. But they read just 5% of the
data.The next 95% is beyond their understanding. We need
our pineal gland to read them. Enlightened ones have used
Pineal Gland at its fullest.
Try to smell light sometimes.
Have you ever though why we fear speaking in front of some
people for the first time. It come naturally.
The audience is observing us constantly. They are
generating THOUGHTS each seconds. It is the most scientifically miraculous act ever done.
Universe is in WAVE form and our thoughts are also WAVES, always moving. Matter is when waves slow down and space or antimatter or thoughts is fast form of same cosmic wave.
When people observe speakers, they are throwing fast undulating [thoughts] waves towards the slow waves[ our physical self]. Try facing huge bass DJ. You whole body will feel hit by huge volume of invisible watery fluid.
Fear is the interpretation, when so many people [ big audience] at the same time emit thoughts which resonates the body of the speaker. Basically, a huge hit by THOUGHTS. People's reaction might differ.
Fear is the interpretation, when so many people [ big audience] at the same time emit thoughts which resonates the body of the speaker. Basically, a huge hit by THOUGHTS. People's reaction might differ.
Aladdin's Flying Carpet is REAL. [ Harvard University, Massachusetts ]
He is a character in one of the stories told to the Emperor by a beautiful girl-1001 Arabian Nights. He rides a flying carpet which has its own conscience. She told him many stories.
A carpet can fly if it is vibrated in such a fashion that would create ripples in some ratio based on the weight it is supposed to carry.. Ripples will push against the floor. This smooth wave-like motion will create a high pressure in the gap between carpet and floor.
A carpet can fly if it is vibrated in such a fashion that would create ripples in some ratio based on the weight it is supposed to carry.. Ripples will push against the floor. This smooth wave-like motion will create a high pressure in the gap between carpet and floor.
Undulating rope feels weightless when held from either side.. Those who have done so know it. I believe it is the same principle.
Have you ever thought why the face of Angelina Jolie looks EXACTLY the SAME to entire mankind.
There can only be two possibilities, first, her physicality is constant and governed by the inherited genes and second the entire mankind has some common ability which creates her physicality exactly the same in everyone of us.This common ability is CONSCIOUSNESS.
Can we see her face while we are asleep as in reality. Never. Our consciousness is less emphasized in sleep. Also we have to look at her at least once to know her physicality and then if we look again she does not change. If her physicality changes in second turn, no plastic surgeries here, then we are not humans but probably dolphins or elephants. They are also conscious like us. We all would create only one picture of her because we share the same consciousness.
Thanks and keep hardworking!!!
Ashumeet Mitter
smile emoticon
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
Modern Tennis Rackets
Life has always been beautiful. The invention of zeros and ones have changed the scene of electronics in present age. Life now depends in ample on binaries. Digitization has invaded in almost every sphere of our lives. Let in education, parenting, business, housing, research, medical science, engineer and sports and activities. We will look at how rackets in tennis have become modern. They have in them latest tech. They have crystals which can produce electricity when scratched.
No, no, no please don't look at her minis.
The tennis racket which she is holding is exceptionally modern.
It has a chip which is connected to Piezoelectric Crystals which can convert mechanical energy into electric energy and vice versa.
The tennis racket which she is holding is exceptionally modern.
It has a chip which is connected to Piezoelectric Crystals which can convert mechanical energy into electric energy and vice versa.
cancelling the force it returns back all of the force to the
tennis ball. Making it easy to make the ball go in desired
direction. Piezoelectric crystal gets charged when it receives
vibrational force or when it is scratched.It expands
here basically. The electricity so produced is sent to the chip
and the chip resend the electricity to the piezoelectric
crystal, making it to shrink and which also makes racket to
bounce back in the opposite direction of force. It helps the
player get more control on the game.
Thanks and keep hardworking !!!
Ashumeet Mitter
Tuesday, 2 February 2016
MVC is a powerful software developing design pattern.
MVC Architecture is a three tier architecture, something like PL-BAL-DAL, which is linear but has three layers. Unlike PLBALDAL, MVC is triangular. The path which connects the different separation of concerns is triangular in MVC. We have to understand what does separation of concern means by the way, before going any further.
Nowadays, the software has to have a lot many things, there are basically three things, the part which will be facing the user of the software, for example, dash board. There are so many ways one can develop this part. The page we get after typing in address bar is the presentation logic.
The second part is the business logic which will be operated by the presentation logic, business logic is the actual part of processing, there are thousand of languages which have been invented to code just this part, for example, c#, c, c++ and many more. They can code mathematics, decision making, looping, calling a function and converting some code to machine level etcetera. Whatever happens between pressing the Google's search and search result is the business logic.
And the third part is database access layer, which persists the data so generated by the business logic by interacting with presentation logic. Our gmail account details are memorized by gmail. This phenomenon is the Data access part.
So, any software not only google, if follows such a pattern then it is said to have followed a three tier PLBALDAL pattern. Each of these three things are termed as concerns, when we try to develop any software.
Earlier we used to code each and every part in just single place and by single language. But as the software users are increasing in numbers, the data is increasing exponentially. We just have to visit , there we could see the flood of data of every genre. When things get huge, it is better to divide it. When problem is big, it is advisable to divide it into smaller parts. So, separation of concern is basically division of similar looking logic into one whole logic. The look and feel is divided into PL, the working area is BAL and the memorizing the outcome to DAL as because it was becoming huge, very huge like almost uncountable lines of code.
MVC is invented to divide further the PL into three parts, namely MODEL, VIEW and CONTROLLER.
We get confuse, it is not like DAL and BAL, which would have data and business logic, the Model and View are only concerned about the Presentation logic.
It is the separation of concerns which would divide the colour and design from a painting. The person who would be responsible in uniting colour and design would be doing it dynamically, and that person is known as Controller.
View would only be holding the designs and the colour would be stored in model and Controller will decide which design has to be painted with which colour. It might be possible that a particular design would not look good in a colour, the situation would get worse, when we cannot change the colour or suppose we have purchased the design which has come in red colour factory fitted, so in this case we would have to order new design painted in the colour we want. This is tightly coupled or tightly depended on each other.
In software development, there is no such relief than a chunk of code is heavily loosely coupled. Think about the Google doodle, they update it on every occasion,try to imagine, if they would have glued some doodle then what problems they would have to face while putting some other in its place. It is loosely coupled.
Similarly, when we want the things to behave as loosely coupled in Presentation logic, we implement the MVC design pattern.
Lets understand in terms of website development.
The HTML content of the web page is the View but the data held by the html elements would be not glued directly into them.It would be stored in Model.
During the run time, based on what page and what data, a user has requested, the controller would visualize and glue it immediately onto a view and hand it over to the user in the form of a webpage.
Unlike previous versions[PLBALPAL], where the data of the presentation logic has to be tightly coupled with the data being given to BL by DAL to PL.
MVC is an attempt to decouple the Presentation from its logic.The request is taken by the Controller. The View and Model would never know each other in MVC directly. They don't get into conversations and sharing things. It is the duty of Controller to map Model's contents to a Veiw's content into one Presentation and this is the only time when they come to know about each other.
In desktop application apps also like the software developed using Windows Presentation Foundation[WPF] which follows MVVM pattern which is almost same like MVC. The Controller would be the first person to get connected, it could literally be a controller or some part which behaves like a controller. In MVVM the VM part behaves like a controller. It attaches the data to view, hence, VM stands for View Model.
Therefore, MVC is invented get a better hold on the presenation part of a software which also makes testing more easier to do. Testing of the Presentation Logic is tedious task, indeed but through MVC is easier than ever.
Thanks and keep harworking!!
Ashumeet Mitter
BigInteger C#
No more depending on inbuilt data types or custom types for creating more of a tightly coupled to a requirement, resulting in loose coupling.
In BigInteger data type, there is no upper or lower limit. It is user defined structure. The data holding capacity is as much as the space in Stack. BigInteger is structure hence it is a value type. The constructor would define take the upper limit as argument. It supports all the numeric data types including double, decimal and byte arrays.
So, instead of ,
int a = 0;
// error
a = Int32.MaxValue
+ 200;
we can use
BigInteger myInt = new BigInteger(Int32.Max+200);
Thanks and keep hardworking!!
Ashumeet Mitter
Monday, 1 February 2016
I am with you.
"I am with you" by Avril Lavigne
but i am with you."
The beautiful line from the song "I am with you", by world famous Singer Avril Lavigne is not ordinary.
This sentence holds the Theory of Everything.
The space would know where to act and react. Everything in this universe is held together by an Intelligent Force, which means, it is the same force which has held electrons in some kind of path around neutron and proton in an atom. The smallest unit of cosmos is intelligent space and biggest unit is intelligent space, only. The difference in size is comparable when this intelligence force manifest itself in different forms The distance between our two fingers stretched holds the entire organ of the intelligent force.We can not perceive it but if it does not remain around us we would simple be turned into some kind of nothingness. One inch space would have entire algorithms of cosmos's sustenance. It is like starting where we would come back. It is like starting from a point to come back to the same point once reached. It is not linear but circular, as evolution is also involved, it makes energy to behave as concentric circles.Where you cannot see, is the place of everything. Our 24 senses which are designed to map our individuality with the individuality of the cosmos and it is the simplest form to explain but to understand it in more depth, we have to take the intelligent form to a place where it becomes indispensable to our [living race] survival. It is because of space that we are, otherwise we are nothing. The 24 senses are few of the devices to understand this intelligent force in very familiar way. Things get tough when we have "free will", the most advanced concept. We have brain which is independent and has free self or will but it has to react to the action rendered by the intelligent force. Our free self is because of the intelligent force but it does not interfere into our personal free will. It behaves as a guiding post or a lamp, it just let us know what is there but it does take interest in interacting with what is there.
We[human race] are always with this intelligent force or in other words, we are because of the algorithms of the intelligent force.
So, when Avril Lavigne says, "I don't know who you are", it is the truth of the cosmos, we cannot know the intelligent force by our 24 senses. Intelligent force is also personified as Creator or GOD or in fact, it is God who is the intelligent force and as because everywhere there is intelligent force, which means God is everywhere, our DNA is God. But we cannot perceive him. It requires some special powers like raising the Kundalees.
She[Avril Lavigne] is referring to somebody, a guy, who is also a manifestation of the intelligent force in other words he is also as Godly as she herself or we ourselves. Her imagination is the real fact, which she does for creating somebody out of nothing. But she knows the manifestation only , in fact we could only perceive him in the manifested form. His spirituality is hard to understand because it requires special powers .
The continuation is "I am with you". We would not generally perceive the intelligent force. But we can know that we are with Him and more of because of Him. She according to the lyrics, wants to be with Someone who she does not know. It is what which has been going on since light years. We are with Somebody whom we do not know. We live and die without knowing the Person with Whom and because of Who we are living. She through her lyrics wants to explain the theory of everything as far as my interpretation is concerned.
"I don't know who you are but I am with you."
"I" is the manifestation of IF[Intelligent Force] but it does not know who "I" is in totality, we just know around 20 to 30% of who we are. "I" does not know itself and at the same time it does not know other self as spiritual level as because, it the same unknown stuff from Whom all the "I" s are made. But, "I am with you" is "I" is always with the intelligent force.
"I" who does not know whom "I" is but always "I" is with him which is Him, like myself, who is Myself.
Thanks and keep hardworking !!!
Ashumeet Mitter
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